
Since 1993, Allen & Overy has established itself as one of the premier practices in Hungary, with a formidable group of experienced lawyers particularly suited to corporate and finance work.




Kiemelt szakterületek

Ingatlanjog Környezetvédelmi jog M&A Munkajog Pénzügyi jog Pereskedés és Vitarendezés Társasági jog Versenyjog
E-mail cím: allenoverybudapest@allenovery.com

Hosszú bemutatkozás


Allen & Overy was established in Hungary in 1993, and since then has become one of the market leading business law firms. Our on-going success is based on a combination of our exceptional international experience, together with our in-depth knowledge of local market conditions. We have an outstanding team of experienced Hungarian lawyers, who have worked on some of the most complex and pioneering transactions on the Hungarian market. We work in all fields of business law, including financing, corporate/M&A, real estate, regulatory, competition matters, as well as employment, IP law.

In recognition of our efforts in 2011 our Budapest office won the European Award of International Financial Law Review becoming “Hungarian Law Firm of the Year” and in 2017 “Wolters Kluwer Legal Award: Team of the Year – finance and insurance”.


Rólunk címszavakban


Ingatlanjog Környezetvédelmi jog M&A Munkajog Pénzügyi jog Pereskedés és Vitarendezés Társasági jog Versenyjog

Egyéb jellemzők

dinamikus belvárosi iroda igényes munkakörnyezet versenyképes jövedelem irodai mentorálás tréningek, továbbképzések neves ügyfelek csapatépítők

Allen & Overy Kádár Ügyvédi Iroda - Elérhetőségek

E-mail cím: allenoverybudapest@allenovery.com

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